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Coffee Packages

Just like all the modern day commercially produced products, packaging for coffee is important because it allows its customers to review the contents used, or the kinds of beans used, Arabica or Robust; if they might have a specific preference.


Our products stand out from our competitors and we owe this to unique packaging. 


While there is a wide range of coffee bags on the market, here are our packages and each one of them serves a different purpose and client base.

We have the stand-up pouches triangular shaped bags with a bottom gusset which allows the bag to stand on the shelf hence helping to keep the coffee fresher and for longer. This is our right choice for packing bulk coffee beans

We also have the flat-bottom pouches bags in square design that allows the bag to stand unassisted, giving it a prominent shelf presence. It also comes with a pocket zipper, which is more convenient to reseal.

Plus, with its side gussets, it can hold more coffee in a smaller bag. In turn, this makes it more efficient to store and transport, and better for the environment. 

The third package that we have is the traditional side-gusset bag. It’s also known as a side-fold bag. It is a strong, durable option well-suited to our clients who chose to take larger quantities of coffee.  These types of bags tend to have a flat bottom, meaning they can stand on their own with coffee inside them.

Tin tie:

This is a paper tin-tie bag designed with a seal up on the bag and opens easily. For maximum freshness and flavor, the bag should be consumed in 7 – 10 days.

Our coffee packaging takes consideration of many things ranging from the cost, operations, durability, presentation and branding and sustainability; but the most important thing is the packaging that suits the needs of our goals and customers.

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Our story started in Waltham city in Massachusetts state; in 2016 after making tours and business trips to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania.

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