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Coffee Tourism

“Experience the East Africa Coffee Journey: From Cherry to Cup.”


Are you in a committed relationship with coffee? Then you need to try coffee tourism with us.

Coffee tourism lets the coffee enthusiasts discover coffee origins, wonderful landscape, distinctive natural environments characterizing coffee growing regions. 

For example one of the perfect places in which to begin your coffee adventures is Uganda with a visit to one of the strong natural Arabica coffee producing areas which is Kasese region in western Uganda along the slopes of Mountain Rwenzori.

Of course, wherever you go in East Africa, it is a traveler’s dream. It’s a place of Lakes and Rivers, Waterfalls, mountains, Flora and Fauna, National Parks, and beautiful Islands, diverse Culture – not to mention coffee!

Majority of the coffee produced here is natural. The climate allows producers to sun-dry the cherries, giving them more punch. A clean natural from here is sweet, fruity, and has a heavy body.

The East African region is not only rich in coffee history but also has an amazing landscape with numerous tourist attractions like national parks and the good climate.

East Africa coffee profile is dominated by bright acidity and fruity flavors with a medium body and incredible sweet cup. Here our selected farmers will take you through all the stages coffee goes through until it reaches the roaster.

The East African farmers offer several practical experiences where you can take part in harvesting and post-harvesting work, and you can walk the fields to discover more about coffee production and the region’s history.

You will also get a chance to share with the farmers, roaster and baristas this is interesting, since you can easily talk to the producers themselves. They have an intimate knowledge of the entire process and will willingly share their insights. Sometimes you can even contribute ideas and make a difference yourself.

Visiting origin, and taking part in the harvesting and post-harvesting, is one of the best parts of coffee tourism. It will inspire you, inform you, and Impassionate you. It will make you a better barista, roaster, cafe operator or consumer.

Lastly coffee tourism is one more source of support in an often unstable economy that’s vulnerable to drought, disease, and pests. When you go to origin, you’re deepening your understanding of coffee and you’re also helping to support the very industry you love so much. So what are you waiting for?

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Our story started in Waltham city in Massachusetts state; in 2016 after making tours and business trips to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania.

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