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Green Beans 10lbs


Green coffee beans are simply regular coffee beans that haven't been roasted and remain completely raw. These coffee beans contain a higher amount of the chemical chlorogenic acid. This chemical is thought to have health benefits. For high blood pressure it might affect blood vessels so that blood pressure is reduced.


Product Description

10 pounds

Green coffee beans are simply regular coffee beans that haven't been roasted and remain completely raw. These coffee beans contain a higher amount of the chemical chlorogenic acid. This chemical is thought to have health benefits. For high blood pressure it might affect blood vessels so that blood pressure is reduced.

The chlorogenic acid in green coffee acts as an antioxidant. It helps in controlling high blood pressure, aids weight loss and maintains blood sugar levels in the body; and has particularly become popular for its weight loss benefits.

A mug of this light green drink will not taste like the roasted coffee you're used to, as it has a much milder flavor. Actually it is said to taste more like herbal tea than coffee.

Several studies have shown that caffeine can boost metabolism by up to 3-11% (3, 4).

However, the main active ingredient is believed to be the chlorogenic acid.

Other studies (in mice and rats) have shown that chlorogenic acid can reduce body weight, reduce fat absorbed from the diet, reduce fat stored in the liver and improve the function of the fat burning hormone.

It is easy to prepare the ground green coffee beans but please allow us to do it for you for better results.

The healthy green coffee beverage is now ready to drink!

We recommend that you follow the dosage instructions before taking green coffee but the common recommendation is one serving 30 minutes before each meal.

Green coffee beans are simply regular coffee beans that haven't been roasted and remain completely raw. These coffee beans contain a higher amount of the chemical chlorogenic acid. This chemical is thought to have health benefits. For high blood pressure it might affect blood vessels so that blood pressure is reduced.

Green coffee beans are simply regular coffee beans that haven't been roasted and remain completely raw. These coffee beans contain a higher amount of the chemical chlorogenic acid. This chemical is thought to have health benefits. For high blood pressure it might affect blood vessels so that blood pressure is reduced.
